
My Senior Parent is Struggling with Ill-Fitting Dentures

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My Senior Parent is Struggling with Ill-Fitting Dentures

If your mom or dad wears dentures and has been noticing some problems lately, they’re not alone. Keep reading to find out what causes once-comfortable dentures to become problematic, and what you and your parent can do about it.

Dentures are a great way to replace missing teeth and restore function, but only if they fit well. If your elderly parent is experiencing denture changes, it can lead to some oral and overall health issues. 

Fortunately, we can help. 

At Los Gatos Family Dental, we offer full-service denture care from initial evaluation and fitting to critical adjustments throughout your life. Dr. Sara Ghasemi loves to help our senior patients find the most effective and comfortable solution to their dental health issues, and dentures are a popular choice. But it’s important to monitor their fit over the years. Here’s why.

Why your dentures don’t fit anymore

If you’ve noticed that your parent’s dentures are starting to slip and click more than they used to, or if your parent is suddenly complaining about discomfort, you’re probably wondering why. Most likely, a couple of reasons for these changes include the following:

Denture changes

Dentures are made of very durable materials, and they generally last 10-15 years if cared for properly. But they aren’t indestructible. They can crack or break under force or pressure. They can warp under extreme heat. And over time, they can wear down. Damaged dentures affect the way they feel and function, so it may be time to make an appointment and come in for an adjustment.

Mouth changes

As the years roll on, everyone’s mouth undergoes some shifts. Gums recede, jawbones shrink, and teeth move, which means your once-comfortable dentures may suddenly feel foreign in your mouth even if the appliance itself is still sound.

Effects of ill-fitting dentures

Living with ill-fitting dentures leads to a long list of issues that can affect your parent’s oral and overall health. Here are a few of them.

Painful gums

Loose dentures slip and slide in the mouth, rubbing on the gums with every move they make. This leads to gum inflammation, sore spots, cuts and scrapes, blisters, even bleeding. Additionally, any breach in the soft tissue inside the mouth creates an environment for infection.

Also, long-term gum inflammation puts them at risk for oral cancer.

Bite misalignment

Just like ill-fitting shoes can change your gait, ill-fitting dentures can change your bite. If your parent’s teeth don’t meet together properly, it causes a ripple effect of changes that involves their jaw joints. In many cases, this can lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome, a painful jaw condition. 

Chewing changes

Although there are few foods difficult to eat when dentures fit well, ill-fitting dentures can eliminate many more foods from your parent’s diet. They may find themselves avoiding anything they have to chew well, which can lead to an imbalanced diet and potential malnutrition. 

Jawbone loss

Avoiding chewing also robs their jawbone of the consistent pressure it needs to renew itself, so ill-fitting dentures may contribute to jawbone loss over time.

Bad breath

When dentures don’t hug the gums as they should, food and bacteria make their way under the appliance where they set-up shop and trigger foul-smelling decay. Bad breath could be a sign that your parent’s dentures need to be adjusted.


To compensate for slipping dentures, your parent may subconsciously alter the way they move their mouth to speak and chew, which requires their facial muscles and tongue to function differently. This change can lead to muscle tension and headaches.

As we mentioned, dentures that don’t fit can lead to TMJ, and TMJ is known for causing headaches.

How we can help

At Los Gatos Family Dental, we can make your parent’s dentures feel right again. We start by performing a complete examination to make sure there are no oral health issues causing the problem. Then, we examine the dentures to check for wear and tear. Finally, we observe the fit and function to determine where we need to make adjustments.

Depending on the cause of the problem, we may add material to the inner plate that rests on the gums. When possible, we offer relining and minor adjustments to ensure a proper fit, but in some cases, it may be necessary to replace the dentures. 

There’s no reason for your mom or dad to suffer from the consequences of ill-fitting dentures. To get them the help they need, call us at our Los Gatos, California, office or request an appointment online today.